Client Success Story

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Client Success Story

Data-Driven Design Boosts Sales by 7%

Overview: Our client, a well-established online store, boasted a vast product catalog. Despite competitive pricing and a diverse product range, monthly sales growth had plateaued. Without leveraging additional marketing strategies, they sought a solution: a transformative website redesign to naturally boost their sales.

Mission: To intuitively refine the online store, enhancing user experience and ensuring a smooth customer journey, ultimately leading to increased conversions and sales.

Data-Driven Strategy:

  1. Deep-Dive Analytics:
    Comprehensive assessment of user behavior metrics revealed pain points, high exit pages, and popular click patterns.

  2. Heatmap Insights:
    Leveraged tools such as Hotjar to understand where users predominantly focused and which sections they often bypassed.

  3. User-Centric Redesign:
    Armed with heatmap findings, we rolled out a design that prioritized product visibility, intuitive navigation, and a streamlined checkout process.

  4. Enhanced Search Experience:
    A close examination of user search queries facilitated the refinement of the platform's smart search feature, ensuring users found what they were looking for more efficiently.

  5. Optimized Speed & Responsiveness:
    Addressed site speed, ensuring quick load times to reduce bounce rates, with a particular emphasis on improving mobile user experience.

Remarkable Results:

  • Consistent Sales Growth:
    Post-redesign, the site experienced a steady 7% MoM sales boost.

  • Increased Engagement:
    Bounce rates significantly reduced by 15%.

  • Enhanced User Interaction:
    Users spent more time exploring, resulting in an 8% rise in average session duration.

  • Efficient Purchasing Process:
    The streamlined checkout led to a sharp 20% decline in cart abandonment rates.

Conclusion: Employing a meticulous, data-backed strategy, midJourney Media successfully transformed insights into action and tangible growth. This case demonstrates the pivotal role a well-crafted redesign plays in enhancing user experience, leading to increased sales without the need for additional marketing expenditure.


Lead Product


Marketing Boost

Comprehensive strategies to boost online visibility, enhance user engagement, and elevate conversion rates.

Web Mastery

At midJourney Media, we design websites that engage audiences and boost client revenue.

AI Content

Framebotic's unique edge: leveraging AI for standout content, propelling you ahead of rivals.




Digital Pioneer

Digital Pioneer

Digital Pioneer

Leading midJourney Media to craft high-conversion websites and driving Framebotic to harness AI in content creation, setting brands apart in a competitive digital landscape.

Leading midJourney Media to craft high-conversion websites and driving Framebotic to harness AI in content creation, setting brands apart in a competitive digital landscape.

Leading midJourney Media to craft high-conversion websites and driving Framebotic to harness AI in content creation, setting brands apart in a competitive digital landscape.


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© Made by Daniel Trkovsky


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Let's build better

© Made by Daniel Trkovsky


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Let's build better

© Made by Daniel Trkovsky